Jenny Muncaster of The Colour Factory, Winchester.
Saturday 25 January
This workshop was a wonderful success - see below!
Saturday 22 March
'Cloisters’ with Chris Formaggia
Workshop Inspired by the Cloisters of Salisbury Cathedral. Working in mixed media.
A three part exploration:
Preparing the ground, ‘painting and drawing your way out of the blank page!’
Festooning the background, by cutting, drawing and painting apertures, inspired by the Cloisters, maybe adding stencilling, collage and fabric.
Transcending the image, creating hybrid sculptural paintings. Documenting through photography with your phone, may embolden you to take greater creative risks!
You can see some of Chris' work on facebook or instagram or click HERE
Saturday 17 May
Woodland Scenes with Watercolour Pencils Stephen Cheeseman
Stephen works with many media but will focus on painting woodland scenes with watercolour pencils. He will also show how these can be combined with watercolour paints to achieve interesting and unusual effects.
Saturday 26 July
Summer ‘Still Life Day’ with Pam Philip
A day to paint, discuss, explore and abstract from Still life. Acrylics, oils and pastels.
Saturday 27 September
A Creative Workshop with Karen Welsh
Focussing on how to move forward, how to get ‘unstuck!” (further details later).
A day with Karen is always fun, creative, inspiring and empowering!
Saturday 22 November
A 'Winter Workshop’ with Martin Webster, our Chairman.
A Winter/Snow theme, (further details later).
To book any of the above ;
Workshop fees; Members £45 per day, guests £50
To pay by Bacs;
Salisbury Group of Artists
Sort Code 30 97 41
Account 03627988
ref: workshops
(alternative payment methods available).
All workshops are on Saturdays, 10am-4pm, at Bemerton Methodist Hall, Roman Road, Salisbury, SP2 9BH.