Exhibitions Update
SGA Exhibition Programme 2025
Joint Exhibition with Plain Arts, Saturday 5th April – Thursday 1st May 2025
Submission Form is now LIVE!
The deadline for submissions is Monday 31 March 2025
Full details can be found on the form
Summer Exhibition, Saturday 2nd- Saturday 30th August 2025
Again at the library gallery, as usual. Hand in will be on Wednesday 30 July, with hand back on Saturday 30th August.
Winter Exhibition
Congratulations to everyone who contributed to a fine exhibition which brightened up the hospital corridors, and will have lifted the hearts of staff, patients and visitors.
Ten paintings were sold, contributing more than £300 to help fund the many art activities run by ArtCare in health settings, and to support wellbeing more widely.
Past Events
SGA Summer Exhibition 2024
Our flagship and highly successful Summer Exhibition was held in the Library, Gallery 4 during the month of July.
A big ‘Thank you” to all the exhibitors in our biggest ever Summer Exhibition 2024. The SGA Exhibition team had an amazing 190 hanging works to place along with a good number and variety of 3D pieces. Thanks to our tremendous exhibition team who managed this daunting task in less than two days!
Salisbury Group of Artists at Langford Lakes
In May and June, 24 Artists exhibited their work at this beautiful setting, including paintings, glass, ceramics, felting, jewellery, prints and cards.
2024 'New Beginnings' Spring Exhibition in collaboration with Plain Arts
An exciting exhibition in which we collaborated with Plain Arts to showcase both the main art groups in Salisbury. The first of many we hope!
Salisbury Art Scene Arts and Crafts:
The SGA sponsors a gazebo for the Market Place monthly events from April to October, the first Sunday of every month. Members volunteer to steward the gazebo, represent the SGA and display their art for sale.
SGA ArtCare Exhibition at Salisbury District Hospital
A big ‘Thank you’ to all members who exhibited in our 2023 Christmas show for ARTCARE at Salisbury District Hospital.
Scenes from the main corridors on floors 2 and 3
Antelope Cafe
The new exhibition at the Antelope Café featured the work of SGA members: Pam Armstrong, Sharon Boston, Jane Hanbidge, Ros Kingston, Stephen West and Caroline Walker.
Arundells - Time and Tides
An Exhibition with a nautical theme set at Arundells in Salisbury
A Look Back at 2022
Every year we have a varied programme of exhibitions giving all members an opportunity to exhibit and sell their art work. Details of the events are always published in the regular SGA Newsletter. Our 2022 programme included
Parkwood Leisure Centre:
A monthly rotation for one artist to use the small display space in the popular Parkwood Wood Bar Café.
Salisbury Art Scene Arts and Crafts:
The SGA sponsors a gazebo for the Market Place monthly events from April to October, the first Sunday of every month. Members volunteer to steward the gazebo, represent the SGA and display their art for sale.
The Antelope Cafe
Three separate two-month exhibitions with different themes started in April running through to end of September. One exhibition was themed ‘In My Mind’ featuring works by Stephen West and members of the Friday Art Group.
The Summer Exhibition:
Our flagship and highly successful Summer Exhibition was held in the Library, Gallery 4 during the month of July.
46 members participated with 128 paintings, 60 browser works and 7 ceramics. 34 art works were sold.
For 2023 we planned exhibitions in Gallery 4 for March and August.
Silver Salisbury:
The SGA staged a one-month exhibition at the Five Rivers Leisure Centre for the month of October in support of the international Older People’s programme.
Art Sale:
A one-day event on Saturday 15th October in the United Reformed Church Hall gave members an opportunity to clear their studios by offering works for sale at affordable prices.
Salisbury District Hospital:
Our popular annual Winter Exhibition supporting SDH’s ArtCare organisation where members exhibited and sold works during December 2022/January 2023.